I went to the gym today. I had been going 3-4 times a week up until April when my husband had to stop working out because of his shoulder. But really, the truth is I wasn't working to hard at it and was just going through the motions. My body is feeling (and showing) it. I've felt sorry for myself and used my AN as an excuse. NO MORE! Today I returned to jogging on the treadmill and it felt great. For the past 4 years I have been obsessed with Yosemite and I've decided a trip there is in my future. As much as I would love to climb half dome, I think my fear of heights will cripple me once I reach the cables. Even so, getting to the cables will be amazing and that's what I'm shooting for, this AN may grow to a point where it affects my balance, I'm doing it while I still can. First....gotta get my butt in shape!