Thursday, April 26, 2012

Find Out Who Your Friends Are

Besides the medical side of AN an diagnosis, there lies the emotional side.  They say that it is in the worst times that you find out who your best friends are.  Upon diagnosis, I chose to confide in a few friends and with that I found that some have distanced themselves, or perhaps they were never there for me anyway.  How hard would it be to pick up the phone just once to ask how I am doing, or how my husband is coping?

Then there is the other spectrum......a few have really stepped up and have made themselves even more a part of my life.  I remember the day I was driving to the support group meeting, just 2 days after diagnosis.  I called my friend Mary from my car and told her on was on my way there, the first thing out of her mouth was an offer to attend with me.  Right then and there, she was going to drop everything and go with me.  That's a true friend!    I often confide in a close family member, she listens to my complaining and always has a positive word or helpful suggestion.  I'm certain she has no idea how much I appreciate it, but I bet she thinks she does.  Sometimes I feel so bad for unloading my problems on her.  My new friend that gave me doctors recommendations......I met her only in September,  and already I know that she is there for me.  She sent me flowers on my birthday!  Then there's my workout buddy who has her own hearing issues: We stand side by side on the treadmills,  she on my right side so as to hear me with her good left ear and me to hear her with my good right ear.  How great that we can do that, good thing its not the left ear for both of us.  What incredible friends I have come to rely on in this process.   I love you all!

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